Armada ii is the sequel to the original popular realtime strategy game set in the star trek universe. Remember guys, as much as were grateful to every one of you. A quick guide on how to install most mods for sins of a solar empire. Star trek armada 3 is a mod for sins of a solar empire. Lead four distinct races such as the federation, klingon, romulan, and borg. If you downloaded a version before 16 march 2019, please also. Now activision has given us a game dedicated to the exploits of a special team of starfleet officers as they take on jobs that heroic figures like kirk and picard never saw the black ops of the trek universe. Cant get star trek armada 3 mod to work sins of a solar. This project offers what can be called an upgraded game. When it comes to space operas like star trek or babylon 5 you can have all the squarejawed heroes, but what you really need to give a show that extra edge is some really nasty baddies.

Armada iii begins with the first stirrings of the dominion war and allows players.

A realtime strategy game published in 2000 by activision. Borg incursion 2 warning it has come to the attention of this community that there is currently several programs which can be used to reverse convert the models used in star trek armada and later star trek armada 2, via a later version. This tutorial is specifically for star trek armada 3.